

Monday, November 1, 2010

Carving pumpkins...

This year we had fun carving pumpkins the night before Halloween. Olivia was so excited about her "little pumpkin." She wanted a cat on it but.....as soon as I cut the first eye out she ran right over to Chris and "told on me!" She yelled "Daddy! Mommy cut the eye out!" It was so funny :) I think she was a little upset that I cut a hole in her "little pumpkin" but got the hang of it after a while. Here are some pictures of our night....
So proud of her little pumpkin!
Helping Daddy clean out her pumpkin
I think she took out about 2 seeds.....and then was done :) What a good helper!
Showing us it's all scooped out!
Olivia and her cat!
Our pumpkins!
All done!

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