

Monday, November 1, 2010


Well the little miss was so excited about her pumpkin costume and it is all she talked about but she would not put it on no matter what we tried! By shear force...we got it on her and after a little screaming....she didn't want to take it off! She even ate dinner with it on :) I must say....what a cute little pumpkin she was! We had so much fun taking her trick-or-treating and she loved it! She is still talking about getting "a lot of candy!"
Our little pumpkin...or as she says...."big pumpkin!"
I made myself a pumpkin shirt thinking that maybe if I wore a pumpkin...she would want to wear hers too....again....didn't work but at least she eventually put it on :)
Liv and Auntie turtle :)
Trick-or-treating at great grandma and grandpas house! They had some silly costumes but Olivia was afraid of them!
Trick-or-treating at grandma and grandpas house.
She was so excited and wouldn't stop taking candy from grandpa's bowl. When we were all done trick-or-treating and she had a huge bag full of treats, Vickie asked Olivia if she could have a piece of her candy.....she said no....then went to grandpa's bowl and got her a sucker from it and said "Here you go!" It was so funny :)
She loved yelling "Trick-or-Treat!" at every house. Some times she would even tell people "I want a lot of candy!" because some people were literally giving her handfuls. As soon as she was done at one house she would have the biggest smile and yell "I want to get more candy!" She was just so excited! We couldn't stop laughing the whole night :)
So excited! After every house she had to take her candy out and put it in the "big bag." I guess she didn't want it to get too heavy :)
Waiting patiently with daddy for the person to answer the door.
She finally got cold enough to actually put up her pumpkin hood....for about 1 min. :) Long enough for me to at least get a picture anyways! Hope you all had a fun and happy halloween!

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