

Sunday, February 27, 2011

One month old!

Miss Peyton is already one month old! It is hard to believe but here she is in her debut photo shoot! I hope she now knows she has to do this every month :) Her poor little face is all broken out but we couldn't put off our photo session much longer or she would be 2 months old! She is already getting so big and is getting really long! I think she will be taller than her big sister some day. She can already lift her head up really good and recently started making little noises and sounds to us which is so fun! Here's our little snuggle bug.....


Cassidy Chaos said...

So sweet! I need to see her again! I see a lot of Chris in Miss Peyton. I guess that is fair since Liv is her Mommy's twin! :)

Rohde Family said...

Such a beautiful girl! we hope to meet her soon...bad friends here. Yeesh. If it would quit snowing and my kids would stop getting sick...love you guys bunches! :)