

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter in Illinois!

We went to Illinois for Easter this year and had lots of fun! We did Easter eggs, had lots of egg hunts, had a birthday party for Noelle, and saw lots of people! Both girls did really well in the car so we were happy! Here are some pictures from our trip!
Egg hunt #1. Waiting patiently to start!
Peyton and Karter too tired to egg hunt :)
Liv and all her eggs!
When we were leaving Liv says "c'mon hold my hand Noelle!" They were too cute!
Getting ready to dye Easter eggs!
Telling daddy how it's done!
Showing Peyton her blue egg she made.
Having fun! This was right before Liv spilled a cup......followed by grandma :)
The finished eggs!
Chris with both babies!
The babies!
Noelle's Birthday party
Easter Breakfast at Grandma and Grandpa's house
All smiles on Easter morning with Daddy!
The girls on Easter.
The whole gang! Kade, Karter, Noelle, Peyton, and Olivia
Egg hunt #2 at Grandma and Grandpa's house
Liv, Grandpa, and her eggs
Liv's huge coloring book she won from finding her big egg!
The babies....sleeping through the egg hunt again :)
The girls doing their bubbles that were in their Easter baskets!
Family pic
Peyton and Auntie Kim
Egg hunt #3 at the cabin! She was a pro by this point!
She found lots of eggs in the cars
Grandma and Peyton
Four generation picture. Karen, Olivia, Chris, Mary Jane, and Peyton
Grandma, Peyton, Grandpa, and Olivia
Happy Easter!

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