

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oxbow park!

Yesterday I took the girls to Oxbow park because it was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L outside! Liv had fun seeing all of the animals and running around and Peyton had fun sleeping and riding in the stroller :)
Little Diva Liv and Peyton all ready to go in!
Liv and Me
Checking out the wolves....who were huge and fighting a lot with each other!
Looking at the cougar
Off to see the buffalos....who came right up to the fence by us! We've never gotten that close!
Peyton enjoying the sun!
Don't worry mom....she didn't drop her :) Peyton looks so huge here! She wouldn't open her eyes because it was too sunny!
Liv's favorite...the sea otters....or seals as she thinks they are :) One kept swimming right in front of her and looking right at her and she thought that was pretty cool.

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