

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Peyton 4 months! and Big sister Liv!

I can't believe that Peyton is already 4 months old! And every time I look at Olivia....she just looks so big! Here are some new pictures of the girls!
She rolls over both ways now! What a big girl!
She is always eating her hands now and grabs everything to put in her mouth!
Happy girls!
Getting so big!
All smiles!
Livy Lu!
She's something else :)
Can not believe how big she is getting!
Peyton is catching up to her big sister at 25 inches long! 75th percentile!
She brought the foot stool in, jumps on it, and says....take my picure here mommy! What a goof!
Peyton loves to stand up and has since she was 2 months old.....just like her big sister did when she was a baby!
Such a strong girl!

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