

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Peyton's Baptism

Last Sunday we had Peyton baptized at our church. It was a great day....minus the snow! Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated with us! It was really nice to have everyone there with us!
Little miss all ready to go!
The girls looking pretty in their dresses. These two were quite the pair this weekend :)
Peyton in her pretty baptism gown that Grandma Stenzel made....the same dress Olivia wore for her baptism. Thanks again for doing some minor button adjustments the night before Karen!
Liv and Matt.
Peyton fell asleep right before we started......and slept the entire time :)
Liv doing the sign of the cross on Peyton's head.
Peyton loves bath time so the water didn't even phase her.....on she slept :)
Lighting of the candle.
Peyton's godparents....Auntie Kim and Uncle Nate!
Us with Grandpa and Grandma Volden
Us with Auntie Vickie and Matt
Us with Grandpa and Grandma Stenzel
The awesome cake Auntie Vickie made for Peyton. It tasted great too!
Peyton and Andrea. If there's ever a baby around....this is the person to look for because she always has them and will steal them away from you :) Her and my mom that is....I don't know who's worse :)
She likes Andrea :) All smiles!
Peyton and Great Granny :)
The ladies! Noelle, Kim, Chris, Andrea, and Karen
Joel and Matt
Kade, Olivia, and Erin
Vickie, and my mom and dad
Colleen and Darwin
Mary, Dave, Les, and Dave
Matt and Vickie
Frank and Nate
Dave and my grandpa
Peyton bug totally out....sleeping through her party....same thing Olivia did at her baptism party!
Peyton and Auntie Kim
Liv helping open all of Peyton's gifts. Thanks again everyone!
The life of the party....Peyton and Karter :)

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