

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Peyton 9 months!

Our Peytor Bug is 9 months old now! She has learned so many new things this past month! She now plays peek-a-boo, claps her hands, cruises around everywhere and pulls herself up on everything, climbs! (new one this week) up on Olivia's table (although doesn't get down so gracefully) :), and likes real people food better than baby food! She's such a happy little girl and loves her big sister more than anything. This photo shoot was not easy! She won't sit still and kept trying to jump off the chair! Maybe next month she will cooperate better!
How can you say no to that face :)
sit down....no way! Her favorite thing is opening and pulling everything out of her toybox.....and getting in the toilet.....not good!

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