

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Peytor Bug!!!

I don't know where the last year went but Peyton is already 1!!! It is so hard to believe! She is the sweetest and snuggliest little girl and we love her so much! Here are some pictures from her birthday party! Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us! It was a great day and she is one lucky little lady to have so many great people in her life!
wake up....it's your birthday! I'm one! yah!
Peyton's cake I made.
Happy first birthday Peyton!
Her big cake and very own little cake!
Vickie and I made cake pops too!
They were really fun and turned out cute! Thanks Vickie!
Birthday girl all ready for her party!
Birthday girl and big sister!
Me and my girls!
coming to greet her guests!
Ready to eat!
Liv and Fiona
Erin, Liv, and Tate
Eating our yummy food! Thanks to eveyone who helped make it all!
Karen and Mary
Les, Grandpa, Dad, Vickie, and Dave
Frank and Matt
Bethany, Ellie, and Tate
Jeff, John, Jade, and Fiona
Liv and Erin playing dress-up :)
Who invited this girl!
Wow :)
Vickie and I with our cake and cake pops we made!
Present time!
This was her favorite present! A doll wagon....that she thinks is for her!
Big sister takes her for rides all the time!
Bethany, Andrea, and Erin with the birthday girl!
Peyton with her great grandpa and grandma!
Vickie, Matt, Grandma, Grandpa, and Liv with the birthday girl
Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel with the girls
Grandpa Volden with the girls
Cake time!
Wondering why everyone is singing to her :)
This is kind of yummy!
My fingers are pink!
There's cake under this frosting!
This is fun!
Want some daddy?
I'm a mess! She was pink for days!
Happy birthday Peytor bug!

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