

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cabin Fever 2012

We had so much fun this year up north at the cabin with everyone.  The girls loved every minute of it!  This year Olivia really loved fishing off of the dock and was quite the little fisher lady!  Both girls loved going to the beach every day and had so much fun feeding all of the ducks.  It was fun to see Peyton running around and trying to keep up with her big sister this year.  Here are some pictures from our trip....a lot of pictures from our trip!

 Family pic by the lake!
 The girls with Grandma and Grandpa!
 My sister and I!

 Chris and I
 Peyton playing tether ball...one of her favorite things to do this year!

 The whole gang minus Matt who had to leave early to get back to work....Me, peyton, Olivia, Chris, Dad, Vickie, and Mom

 The girls ate their breakfast every morning on the deck and would feed the chipmunks breakfast too....those chipmunks will have enough peanuts to last them all winter after we were there for a week!

 Ready to hit the beach!

 Diva Liv and  Peyton who always has to copy :)

 We loved the sun all week!

 Liv loved going in the lake!

 She even went down the slide this year....after I cleaned off ALL of the spider webs....with a shovel of course....there's no way I would touch them either :)

 Swimming in the pool!

 Jumping in the pool!

 Silly girls ready for the beach...or maybe the rain?

 Watching the ducks on the beach.

 Calling the duck....I don't think it's coming any closer :)

 Here's some sand mommy.....

 Tie-dying shirts
 Finished product!
 Fishing off the dock...

 First fish of the trip!

 Headed out for more fishing with daddy....

 She caught a sunny!  So excited!

 Peyt caught a tiny fish just her size....I love the look on her face :)

 She threw every fish back in the lake herself!....kind of hard :)  poor fish :) ha!
 Peyt touching the fish!

 Can you tell she was excited!  Pretty nice one!
 Watching closely!

 Fishing contest winner right here!  She caught the most fish!

 One of the many fish she caught at the fishing contest!

 She won a rootbeer float....we had to dump out the rootbeer because she didn't like it :)

 Matt, Chris, and Dad going out fishing.

 Vickie and Matt going out fishing.

 Good day fishing!

 Chris's huge walleye he caught!  7 1/2 lbs 27 1/2 inches!  He is getting it mounted for the cabin.
 Nice one my dad caught!

 Grandpa and the girls ready to head out for a boat ride!

 Crazy driver!

 Resort view from the lake

 Good times!
 Having some fun!
 Livy Lu and Grandpa

 Talking on her phone.....
 Out and about....Find of the day....talking/singing real care bear at the dollar store for 5 dollars!  You have no idea how excited Liv was!
 Peyt got a baby stroller when we went shopping....we can't go anywhere without her baby...ANYWHERE!


 First time having smores!


 Feeding the ducks.

 She was so excited!
 "Here go! Here go!" she would say :)
 There were even baby ducks to feed.

 Not sure what her tactic was here :)

 Headed out to see the sunset with Grandma.

 We saw so many pretty sunsets every night!

 Fun at the park!

 Livy learned to climb the wall this year!


 Enjoying a snack on the deck.

Til next year!

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