

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Taking the scissors in her own hands!

I don't know what possessed her to do so but last Wednesday....Olivia cut her hair!!!  She was sitting at the table cutting paper and got up to go to the bathroom.  When she came back and sat down, she proudly claimed "I cut my hair mommy!" with the biggest smile.  I said "You what?" and again she said with the biggest grin "I cut my hair!"  Next thing I know Chris is running up the stairs and put his hand in her hair and a big long clump came out.  I about cried!!!  He ran to the bathroom and sure enough....hair everywhere.  I asked her why she did it and she said "I just wanted to."  She told Chris....."Don't worry, it'll grow back fast!"  I took her in to get it "evened out" the next day to our hair stylist and she went with the layer tactic.....which was a little hard because she took such a big chunk off of the one side.  One chunk of hair in the back was up by her ears in length even, but luckily, was hidden underneath the longer hair!  After it was all said and done and she got 2 chocolates, she was better....although I had to hold her hand the whole time and she was not happy at the time!  It really does look pretty cute and even though the back is a little longer than the front, you can't even really notice.  She swears she will never do it again....I'm just glad she didn't do it to her bangs.....or better yet.....her sister's hair!

The Before:

The After!

 She is so lucky that they were able to keep it as long they did.  Thank god for layers! She did take at least 6 inches off the back though and even more in the front! 

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