

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Olivia's 4 Year Pics!

We went to see my cousin Abbey (www.sunlitphotography.com) for Olivia's 4 year pics this year and as always....she is amazing :) It is fun to see her and her family too every time we visit! The kids always have so much fun playing together after we are done. Here are our favorites that we picked out! I had to shrink the picture size a lot because it wouldn't let me upload them to the blog so I hope they don't look too blurry after having to do that!

She looks so grown up here!

We had fun at the apple orchard....and the girls had even more fun eating the apples!  When we got home, every single apple had little bites out of them :)

This one is my favorite :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Peyton 21 months!

Peytor Bug is 21 months old!  She's getting better at taking pictures and will actually smile....especially if you give her m & m's :)  Her newest favorite thing is to stick her tongue out at you......nice huh :)  It actually is quite funny.  She loves to say her own name now too....she says it more like Peyt-ah.  She is quite the galloper and gallops all around the house from place to place....which she learned in dance class.  Here are some new pictures of the little stinker.  We just got Olivia's 4 year pictures done and I'm excited to show them too you when we get them soon!

 Here it is....her new favorite face :)  She knows exactly when to use it too!


 Definitely thinking evil thoughts here.......

Monday, November 5, 2012

Stenzel Family Pic!

Last weekend we went to visit in Illinois while Chris went hunting.  We had fun seeing everyone and hanging out with Grandma all day!  Saturday night we took a big family pic out at the cabin for Frank and Karen's Chrismas card.  It turned out pretty good and everyone was even looking at the camera!

Trick-or-Treat! Halloween 2012

This year we had 2 mermaids for Halloween!  Olivia saw them on the computer so I tried my best at making them myself and they turned out pretty cute......or maybe it was the little girls wearing them that made them cute!  They had a lot of fun carving pumpkins and trick-or-treating this year and the weather actually wasn't too bad which made it nice!  Here are some shots of our little mermaids!

 So excited to be a mermaid :)

 Trick-or-Treating at my grandma and grandpas....they always have the funniest costumes!

 Out and about!

 At grandpa and grandma's Volden's house!  We got to skype with grandma and grandpa Stenzel before this and the girls thought that was really fun!

 Getting ready to carve pumpkins

 Liv actually touched the guts this year!
 Taking a break to watch "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" while we carved the pumpkins with the patterns everyone picked out!
 Chris did the 2 on the left and I did the 2 on the right.  Peyton picked out the Hello Kitty pattern and Liv picked out Cinderella of course :)  Chris and I picked out 2 easier ones after doing those ones!
 Excited about their pumpkins!
Happy Halloween!