

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Peyton 21 months!

Peytor Bug is 21 months old!  She's getting better at taking pictures and will actually smile....especially if you give her m & m's :)  Her newest favorite thing is to stick her tongue out at you......nice huh :)  It actually is quite funny.  She loves to say her own name now too....she says it more like Peyt-ah.  She is quite the galloper and gallops all around the house from place to place....which she learned in dance class.  Here are some new pictures of the little stinker.  We just got Olivia's 4 year pictures done and I'm excited to show them too you when we get them soon!

 Here it is....her new favorite face :)  She knows exactly when to use it too!


 Definitely thinking evil thoughts here.......

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