

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas 2012

We had a fun and busy Christmas this year!  We enjoyed visiting more family and the girls were spoiled by everyone as usual!  We had to wake the girls up in the morning because they were so tuckered out from the night before!  We opened presents at our house, went to grandma and grandpa Voldens for breakfast and more presents, and then traveled to La Crosse to visit the Volden side!  Here are some pictures from our day!  We hope you all had a great Christmas with your families too!
The stockings were filled!  I finally finished making Peyton's stocking this year!  It was a hard one and took forever!
The presents ready for the girls to wake up!
Peyton just stood there and pointed to the presents :)
Opening their stockings
Movies...Barbie for Liv of course and Madagascar 3 for Peyt
OMG!!! It's just what I wanted!!!
Santa brought her the American girl doll Mc Kenna!
Peyton got one that looks like her from Santa....she is completely obsessed with dolls!
"Mine doll" she kept saying :)
Santa brought her popstar singing barbie too!
Girls with their Santa presents
Bumblebee tree game she wanted
Peyt got some stuff for her doll
Can you tell she's excited :)  She got her easy bake oven! 
Hope it really is easy to bake with!
Peyt got the disney princess doll house
Opening presents at grandma and grandpa Voldens!
Ready to open more presents!
Grandpa already giving Peyt chocolate!
The girls got doll carriers and double strollers for their dolls and were really excited!
Opening a special present from grandpa....
Barbie popstar GUITARS!!!  They LOVE these and they are nice and LOUD....thanks grandpa :)
The girls and grandpa and grandma Volden
Liv and great grandpa Volden
My dad and 2 of his brothers with my grandpa
Our family with my grandpa Volden
Grandpa and all of his great grandkids!
Grandpa and the girls :)
Playing with their guitars....I love Peyton's face :)
Playing with their dolls
They have both loved playing with this doll house.  It makes music and recognizes all of the characters and talks in their voices.
What a great Christmas!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

We had a fun Christmas eve at my parents.  They had a full house this year and we had a good time!  We had good food and lots of fun seeing everyone!
Girls by our Christmas tree ready to go!
Peyton is wearing the dress that my grandparents got her when she was born.  It fit perfect and she had fun twirling around in it :)
The girls and grandpa!
A  barbie..."It's just what I wanted!" She would say this year after opening every gift :)
Peyt got a HUGE giraffe from Brielle this year....it now sleeps with her and takes up half her crib every night!
Peyt, Erin, and Grandma
Putting their cookies out for Santa
Liv picked the one with the most sprinkles for him