

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Oh this girl is trouble!  This is her new trick when she gets put in time out....great!  I know it's not funny but.....it really is funny and makes me laugh because she gets this big grin on her face like ha ha look at me!  She's either trying to climb out or is jumping up and down like crazy yelling "jump jump jump!"  She likes to get in trouble for picking on her big sister and especially for stealing Livy's snack....classic happening in our house every day!  Then you just hear out of Peyton's mouth "Livy cry"....oh how funny it is that the little sister makes the big sister cry :)  We say...Peyton that's not nice and you need a time out....to which she replys...."k" and runs to her room willingly......like I said....this girl is trouble!  Oh we are in for it with her terrible 2's!  Guess we better start looking at big girls beds before this one hurts herself......do you think she will stay in it like Liv did......I highly doubt it!

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