

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Peyton 22 months and Livy Lu!

Peyton is 22 months old!....and hitting her terrible two's :)  She just cracks me up some times and will make the funniest faces....one of my favorites is below :)  She is so shy around people she doesn't know but is doing great in her dance class and loves it.  It is so fun to watch her learn new things and spend some time with just her (mommy and me dance).  She comes home and does all of the things she learns....my favorite is that she doesn't normally walk around the house.....she gallops every where :)  She also loves jumping on the furniture lately....wonder where she learned that. She adores and copies everything big sister does.....to a T!  Here are some new pics!
Here's my favorite face....the best is when you do it back and she trys sooooo hard not to smile :)  Oh how she cracks me up!
She just learned how to do funny faces :)
They love to read books and this is one of their favorites!

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