

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sisters :)

I feel like these girls are just getting too big on me too fast so we took some new pictures tonight just for fun!  They play so well together lately.....which usually consists of Olivia doing/saying something and Peyton immediately copying anything and everything she does :)  Lately, Olivia is obsessed with playing games on our iphones, loves to play board games, and is really into trying to spell words.  "S-T-O-P spells Stop Mom....I saw that on a sign!" Peyton is still obsessed with her babies and we can't go anywhere without them.  She currently has at least 5 of them in her crib at bedtime :)  She loves reading books and you can often find her in her room by herself, sitting in the rocking chair, and reading out loud....which is hilarious.  Her favorites are "Lama Lama Red Pajama" and "Gossie and Gertie", a book about two little ducks.   We read them both every night before bed.  She also constantly asks "why?" after everything you say lately....over and over and over....which we just laugh about.  Such a funny little girl!  We are currently getting things little by little to put her big girl room together....but I'm not ready for that quite yet.....like I said......they are just getting to big on me too fast........

I'm a Big Girl Now!

Peyton is now officially a big girl!  She has been constantly asking to go on the potty.....usually every time that Olivia needs to go.....and absolutely insists on using the big potty.....this girl wants nothing to do with the little one or putting the little seat on the big potty......so unlike her big sister at this age!  Usually she never goes and just wants to sit but this time she actually went and was so excited!  We made her a chart and although it's sporadic right now....she's starting to fill it with lots of stickers and loves getting her m&m's and jelly beans when she goes.  Here's some pictures of our proud girl!
With her potty chart and first sticker....of course she wanted a hello kitty one :)
What a big girl!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Getting ready for Easter...

This year the girls decorated the Easter tree all by them selves.......
All done!

2 Peas in a Pod.......

These 2 are so funny together and when they are in the bath tub you better watch them or when you come back.....the floor will be covered in water!
Who do you think she looks up to most......
Monkey see.....monkey do.....
Silly girls :)
Peyton is always watching Liv and everything she does....
They play so well together lately!
cutie :)
I was making dinner and came into the living room.  Peyton had set up all of her dolls and covered them up and said they were sleeping.  Then she fed every one of them a bottle.  She takes such good care of her babies and loves them so much :)
Livy then came over and they played with all of the dolls until dinner was ready.

80's Birthday Bash!

A couple of weeks ago we celebrated the 80th birthday of 2 very special ladies.....my grandma and her twin sister Joan.  Every year, all of the ladies from both my grandma and Joan's side get together for a little party.  This year, we thought we should invite even more to celebrate.  We rented the back room of Godfathers Pizza because it is one of their favorites and everyone chipped in on the decorating and planning.  There were over 60 people and we had so much fun.  It all turned out so nice and my grandma still talks about how much fun she had so I think it was a success! Here are some pictures from the party....
The birthday girls table
Huge sign Chris had made for them
Vickie and I made the table decorations....cake pops!
My mom made a huge heart cake for each of them....they were really good!
We planned a surprise casino trip for the ladies next month
Olivia and Peyton made birthday signs
Baskets of sunshine Vickie and I made for them.....from Pinterest of course :)
There were lots of decorations and balloons all around the room that people made and brought
Cake table
We had a birthday article put in the paper of the two
Vickie, me, and Erin
My mom, chris, their cousin Jackie, and Andrea.....the decorating crew!
Vickie and I
Vickie, Mom, and I
Grandma and the girls
Chris and Peyton
The birthday girls!
Grandpa and the girls
Singing Happy Birthday!
LOTS of people!
These two are always the life of the party!  Happy Birthday!