

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I'm a Big Girl Now!

Peyton is now officially a big girl!  She has been constantly asking to go on the potty.....usually every time that Olivia needs to go.....and absolutely insists on using the big potty.....this girl wants nothing to do with the little one or putting the little seat on the big potty......so unlike her big sister at this age!  Usually she never goes and just wants to sit but this time she actually went and was so excited!  We made her a chart and although it's sporadic right now....she's starting to fill it with lots of stickers and loves getting her m&m's and jelly beans when she goes.  Here's some pictures of our proud girl!
With her potty chart and first sticker....of course she wanted a hello kitty one :)
What a big girl!

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