

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

80's Birthday Bash!

A couple of weeks ago we celebrated the 80th birthday of 2 very special ladies.....my grandma and her twin sister Joan.  Every year, all of the ladies from both my grandma and Joan's side get together for a little party.  This year, we thought we should invite even more to celebrate.  We rented the back room of Godfathers Pizza because it is one of their favorites and everyone chipped in on the decorating and planning.  There were over 60 people and we had so much fun.  It all turned out so nice and my grandma still talks about how much fun she had so I think it was a success! Here are some pictures from the party....
The birthday girls table
Huge sign Chris had made for them
Vickie and I made the table decorations....cake pops!
My mom made a huge heart cake for each of them....they were really good!
We planned a surprise casino trip for the ladies next month
Olivia and Peyton made birthday signs
Baskets of sunshine Vickie and I made for them.....from Pinterest of course :)
There were lots of decorations and balloons all around the room that people made and brought
Cake table
We had a birthday article put in the paper of the two
Vickie, me, and Erin
My mom, chris, their cousin Jackie, and Andrea.....the decorating crew!
Vickie and I
Vickie, Mom, and I
Grandma and the girls
Chris and Peyton
The birthday girls!
Grandpa and the girls
Singing Happy Birthday!
LOTS of people!
These two are always the life of the party!  Happy Birthday!

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