

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Cabin Fever 2014

So much fun was had up at the cabin this year!  Weather was beautiful and our days were filled with relaxing, the beach, swimming, fishing, ice cream, and so much more!  Here are some pictures of all of the fun we had!

 Girls got some good use out of their leap pads this week.  It helped with the long car rides and they loved listening to kids bop music and singing along.
 kids face painting...livy a rainbow and Peyt a tiny pink heart....that auntie had to do ...she wouldn't let the girl doing it touch her :)

 Lots of loons this year!
 Boat ride
 Livy looking so grown up!
 Oh this face....she has so much personality in her.....trouble this girl is!

 The ducks were well fed all week!

 Tie dye shirts turned out so good this year.  One of our favorite things to do!

 We enjoyed LOTS of swimming this week!  The pool was actually warm this year so it was nice!

 Liv was tall enough to reach the bottom this year and could swim by herself!


 This blue heron was trouble with a captital T!  He would hang around the resort all week trying to eat the chipmunks that we all fed....and he was pretty successful from what we hear....poor little guys!

 Minnow Races

 Rock Painting

 Cookie decorating

 This girl is a dare devil and has no fear!  She would just jump in with this inner tube even if you weren't looking or ready!  Silly girl!

 Pretty Sunfish Liv caught
 Peyt caught some rock bass and bluegills

 Building sand castles

 We were successful at BINGO this year!  Ice cream cones, pizza, candy, and money were won by all!

 Fishing contest!

 Liv finally learned she could float around by herself with her life jacket and be ok :)

 Love these girlies!
 Group picture

 Return of Chocolate Marshmellow ice cream!

Yah for vacation, boo for having to come home :(

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