

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Liv's Dance Recital 2014

Liv did a great job at her dance recital this year.  It was her first year being able to do tap and she loved it!  Grandma Stenzel, Kim, and Noelle were able to visit and come to the recital as well so we had a lot of fun this weekend.  We just got all of our outfits, ballet, and tap shoes for next year and classes already start for the school year in a week.  The girls are excited to start classes again after having all summer off.  Next year Peyt will be on the big stage all by herself too!

 At rehearsal
 Liv and some of her friends from class
 Liv and everyone's favorite teacher Mrs. Kathy.  She is the best!


Girls having a sleepover that night.

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