

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Olivia turns 3!

Today our baby girl turned 3! How can this be?!? She is a very smart, loveable, energetic, funny, and SASSY little girl and we love her very much! She is growing up so fast and some of the things that come out of her mouth.......you would think she is 3 going on 13! We are so thankful to have her in our lives! Happy Birthday Olivia Jean!
Liv and her Birthday girl shirt!
Eating her favorite for dinner....Pizza with no crust, chips and salsa, and suckers.....all we're missing are the freezies....which she already had for snack when she got home.....just like every day :) Grandpa, Grandma, Auntie, and Matt came over for dinner too!
I'm 3!
Liv with all of her presents!
Peyton wanted to help her open them!
A Dora bike helmet!
To go with her new big girl bike!!!
Can you tell she was excited!
She rode it until it was dark out!
She loves dress up clothes now!
And Care bears. Her favorite is Cheer bear so she was pretty excited to get one....and we were just as excited to win it on ebay because you can't find care bear stuff anywhere these days!!!
Dress up clothes from Auntie and Matt!
Playdoh from Grandpa....which she said was her favorite present of the night! This girl LOVES playdoh!
A new sled from Grandma and Grandpa!
Liv and all of her presents!
Pulling Peyton in her new sled. After this she pulled around all of her new presents and then made everyone pull HER around sitting in all of her new presents! She later said she was going to sleep in her new sled that night.....and tried to convince us to actually let her.....silly girl!
We got her pop beads to make necklaces, bracelets, and rings. She loves playing with these every night now!
Her new dress up clothes from Auntie and Matt!
We had care bear cup cakes for dessert!
We had to open the playdoh right away....I think Matt liked it a lot too :)
Liv with Grandpa and Grandma.
Happy Birthday Livy Lu!

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