

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Peyton 8 Months and Livy...almost 3!

Peytor Bug is 8 months old! Can you believe it! She is on the move and all over the place and always has to be standing up....so.....needless to say....this photo shoot was not easy because she would not sit still...and wanted to keep jumping off the chair! Here she is....and big sister too...getting bigger every day and learning new things!
This is my favorite because this is so her little personality. She thinks she's pretty big stuff!
crazy girl! She loves to scream and shriek!
She adores her big sister.
You want me to just sit here and smile......what???.....no way!
She is such a happy little girl all the time! She is such a good baby!
Look at me!
I'm getting so big too!

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