

Friday, July 6, 2012

Liv's First Trip to the Dentist!

Livy had her first trip to the Dentist last week.  She was so excited and did so good!!!  They said she was the best 3 year old they have had!  She let them clean her teeth and everything.  She was mostly concerned about getting a pink toothbrush and asked the hygenist right away if they had them.  Not only did she get a pink toothbrush but a pink princess one at that!  She also got all sorts of other prizes for doing such a good job.  When we first got there she was a little scared and had me hold her hand but after a while didn't want me to.  The only thing she didn't like was the big light above her.  Let's hope every visit goes this good!  I wish I enjoyed going to the dentist this much!

 Sitting in the big chair and getting ready

 She looks so small in this big chair!

 Liv with all of her prizes and pink tooth brush!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations to Liv for getting through her first dentist trip! It’s great that she was eager and excited for it. It’s a good thing to start them young, so that they know that there’s nothing to be scared of when going to the dentist’s clinic. Good going, little Liv!

Jerri Franceschi