

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Peyton - 16 Months Old!

Peyton is the big 16 months old!  She is so funny lately and talking more and more.....although her favorite word is still NO! She is our little cuddle bug still but definitely has her little sassy personality side too.....it's just so hard not to laugh at her when she sass's her big sister some times!  She always makes us laugh! Here is the little miss at 16 months old....big girl!

 She has 2 penguins that she just loves and has to sleep with. Her blankets are still her favorite thing....and she has to have them at all times....even in the 90 degree weather!

 She just loves reading books now too and we have our favorites we read at bed time every night!

 How can you not smile at this little face :)

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