

Sunday, July 8, 2012

MN Zoo!

Chris and I had the end of the week off so on Friday we took the girls to the MN Zoo.....in the 90+ degree heat!  We got there right when it opened so we could do as much of the outside exhibits as we could before we got too hot and spent the rest of the day inside.  It's a good thing that they have a lot inside because it was so incrediblely hot!!!  Liv was excited to see the new dinosaur exhibit.  When we got up to it most of the kids were crying and wouldn't even go in becaue they were too scared!  They were life size and moved and made their real noises so they were actually pretty scary!  Liv did good and kept saying "They're just pretend right?  They can't move their feet right?"  It was pretty funny.  Here are some pics of our hot trip and the dinosaurs we saw!

 Riding the tractor to the farm animals

 Petting the goats

 Looking at the stingrays

 Runnig through the cave

 Watching the sharks and fish underwater

 This is the first time we have ever seen the beaver out swimming!

 The girls loved the dolphin show!

 We ended the day at the splash park.  Liv hates water in her face so it took her a while to warm up but then didn't want to leave.  Peyton was so tired and had had enough heat for the day so she didn't make it very long and wanted to be done!

 The dinosaurs!  This is one of the first ones you see when you walk in so you can imagine why the kids were scared!  He was huge!

 Liv got to touch what a dinosaur egg would have looked like so she thought that was pretty cool

Finally got a picture at the end of the trail.....far away and by a dinosaur that didn't move or make any noise :)

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