

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Peyton 20 months and Livy Lu 4!

I can't believe how big my girls are getting!  Peyton is almost 2 and Livy just turned 4!  Peyton is turning even more into little miss independent and has to get dressed and do everything herself.  She started dance class, is a dancing machine around the house, has learned to jump, makes the funniest faces lately, and loves to hit people when she gets mad......great right :)  The other day, she started trying to climb out of her crib before I caught her....another great!  We might need to move this girl to a bed sooner than later!  Olivia never tried to do this so Peyton is our little stinker....although you would never know it because she is always so sweet at the same time!  We might be in for trouble with this one!  Livy, on the other hand, is just getting so big!  I can't wait to do her 4 year pictures with my cousin and see how they turn out....although at the end of October.....might be freezing!  Here are some new pictures of the little misses.....


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