

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Packages from Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel!

Olivia got an Easter package today from Grandpa and Grandma Stenzel. We had to open it right away of course :) Olivia got a big ducky and of course L-O-V-E-S it!!! She carried it all around tonight and kept telling Lucy "no no" so she wouldn't eat it (she got her shamoo tonight from sea world......luckily with no visable damage). Then we had to rock with it at story time and then take it to bed. I'm sure she will wake up tomorrow morning quacking away! She also loves the candy and cried for 10 min. after I told her she had enough and took it away! Here is her opening her package.....Thank you so much!
A duck!!!
Look at all of my eggs filled with candy!!!
Eating M & M's
I love my Ducky!
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter Bunny

We went to visit the Easter bunny at the Mall of America after going to the flower store on Saturday. We thought after just seeing Mickey Mouse in Florida she might be OK with him.......lets just say she wasn't really a fan.......
Don't look at me bunny!
So much happier now! She knew she got to go on the merry-go-round after the bunny...

Easter Eggs!

This morning we dyed easter eggs.........wait until you see all the fun we had this year......
Checking the eggs with dad....
Having fun.....
Olivia had a little spill from stirring the eggs a little too hard :)
oops :)
Her clothes and feet were completely green!
She was not too happy about this......
at all......
What happened to my feet???
It was just an accident :(
How can I get this off???
Seriously why are they green?
Nothing a bath can't solve! It actually all came off her hands and feet.....and even her clothes which I thought were goners for sure!
All clean!
When she was all cleaned up she helped put the stickers on her eggs. After a lot of scrubbing the floors......and a lot of tears.......our eggs were finished and fabulous!
Happy Easter Everyone!

Petting Zoo

This weekend we went with my parents to the open house at the flower shop in the cities. They even had a petting zoo so Olivia had a great time!
walking with Grandma and Grandpa!
Saying hi to the big sheep
She was so excited!
petting the cow...
Petting the little chicks.....poor chicks!
Liv's favorite! Quack Quacks!
DUCKS!!!! Liv is quacking of course.....
Liv even got to plant her own flower......except she wouldn't touch the dirt!

Reading to my doll

Olivia likes to read to her dolls now.....she's even good at reading books upside down :)

Shamrock Shake!

The other day I got a shamrock shake and Olivia learned how to drink from a straw! She took my shake and ran away with it once she figured out how it worked. Since then.....any time anyone gets anything with a straw she now thinks it's hers! What a big girl!