

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter Eggs!

This morning we dyed easter eggs.........wait until you see all the fun we had this year......
Checking the eggs with dad....
Having fun.....
Olivia had a little spill from stirring the eggs a little too hard :)
oops :)
Her clothes and feet were completely green!
She was not too happy about this......
at all......
What happened to my feet???
It was just an accident :(
How can I get this off???
Seriously why are they green?
Nothing a bath can't solve! It actually all came off her hands and feet.....and even her clothes which I thought were goners for sure!
All clean!
When she was all cleaned up she helped put the stickers on her eggs. After a lot of scrubbing the floors......and a lot of tears.......our eggs were finished and fabulous!
Happy Easter Everyone!

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