

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hello Everyone! We had so much fun going to Florida and Disney World a week ago and it took hours and hours to get all of the pictures organized and up on the blog but I am finally done! The weather was really nice a couple of days and a little cold on others.....although when we got home.....Florida didn't seem so cold anymore! Of course Chris wore shorts and t-shirts every day no matter what! Some people thought he was crazy! We took over 800 pictures while we were there so of course we couldn't post them all...........but here are a few of our favorites from the places we went. Make sure you hit "older posts" at least two times when you get to the bottom because they wouldn't all fit on one page if you want to see all of the new updated things! If you don't see "older posts" listed at the bottom you can just click on all of the title headings on the top right of the blog under the month of March in the archives. ENJOY!

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