

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Animal Kingdom

The weather was really nice the day we went to Animal Kingdom......we even got to wear shorts! Here we got to see Characters, animals, and go on rides! It was a lot of fun!
This was the first time she saw characters and didn't really know what to think of them at first. By the end of the week she was hugging and kissing them!
At the center of Animal Kingdom is the "Tree of Life." There are all different types of animals carved into the bark of the tree all the way around. It was really cool!
Close up of the front
Close up of the back
Riding the dinosaur ride!
Liv and Auntie!
There was a huge roller coaster in this mountain. It even went backwards and in the dark! It was so much fun!
Liv trying out the drums
This Gorilla kept posing for us!
Minnie at the parade
She loved the parade and kept pointing to everyone
Donald Duck.....Liv's absolute favorite!
Mickey Mouse!

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