

Friday, December 30, 2011

Take pictures of me too mommy!

Every time I take pictures of Peyton each month this little lady is yelling "Take pictures of me now Mommy!" I do have to say...at least she will sit there and smile for me :) Peyton is a little harder these days! Livy has turned into quite the little sassy pants lately.....some of the things that come out of her mouth....boy oh boy....we are in for it with this one as a teenager :) Along with her sassiness she is a very smart and funny little girl. Her favorite thing lately besides dance class of course is playing board games....and somehow....she always wins! I think she cheats! Here are little miss sassy pants pictures.....after each one she had to run up and make sure it was a good one before she quickly ran back to make a different pose for me....what a character!
I can't believe how big she looks in these pictures! Even though she tells us daily..."I'm growing!" "I'm getting bigger Mom!"

11 months old! Seriously???

Peytor bug is 11 months old.....how can this be! With the craziness of Christmas it kind of snuck up on us and now we are already in the midst of planning her birthday party because it will be here before we know it! She is currently getting 6 teeth right now...and will have 8 by her first birthday! Liv barely had 2 at this point so that is crazy! Liv was also walking by 9 1/2 months and Peyton could really care less and can crawl faster than walk :) She's getting more brave and has been walking along funiture for months now so we'll see if she can master it by her birthday. Here are some new photos of the little lady.....next month they will be birthday pictures! I can't believe it!
Trying on her birthday tutu I made for her party! Peek-a-boo!
Look at all of my teeth!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


On Christmas morning, we woke up, went to my parents house for presents and breakfast, and then headed to LaCrosse to visit my grandpa and Dad's side of the family. We had a busy but fun day. When we got home.....we had to try and figure out where to put all of the girls new fun toys....we're still working on that one.....What lucky and blessed girls we have because of all of you this Christmas!
Santa left presents, shovels, and a new princess tent for the girls this year! Checking out her new tent! She has spent the last few days playing in here and even took her nap in it today!
Her new baby she wanted!
Santa was very good to her this year!
He even brought her a picture of herself.....yes she really asked for this!
The girls opening their Santa gifts.
She loves this elephant ball game....and so does her big sister :)
Liv got a vanity set.
Barbies were a hot item this year for Liv!
We got the girls pillow pets...Peyton is obsessed with blankets and pillows of any kind. She immediately puts her head down on all of them and snuggles. She didn't even get the paper off before she started snuggling her cow :)
I made the girls matching quilts for their pillow pets. Liv's was a zebra and Peyt's was a cow.
Loving her new pillow pet and blanket :)
She started to get the hang of it!
Liv's big gift...a leap pad! This will be great for our trips to La Crosse and Illinois!
It amazes me that they know how to work these things instantly!
Peyt sharing her crackers with Auntie!
Opening presents at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Thank you Grandpa!
The girls with Grandma and Grandpa!
and us!
And Vickie and Matt!
So excited for all of their new toys!
Visiting my Grandpa in LaCrosse.