

Friday, December 30, 2011

11 months old! Seriously???

Peytor bug is 11 months old.....how can this be! With the craziness of Christmas it kind of snuck up on us and now we are already in the midst of planning her birthday party because it will be here before we know it! She is currently getting 6 teeth right now...and will have 8 by her first birthday! Liv barely had 2 at this point so that is crazy! Liv was also walking by 9 1/2 months and Peyton could really care less and can crawl faster than walk :) She's getting more brave and has been walking along funiture for months now so we'll see if she can master it by her birthday. Here are some new photos of the little lady.....next month they will be birthday pictures! I can't believe it!
Trying on her birthday tutu I made for her party! Peek-a-boo!
Look at all of my teeth!

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