

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve...

We spent Chrsitmas eve at my Aunts house. We had great food, great fun, and great company!
Girls in front of all of the presents! Peyt claiming her present :)
Liv and great Grandma singing Christmas carols before dinner.
Liv and Grandma
Peyt and Erin!
So excited for presents!
Peyt tearing into her first one!
She got an awesome tunnel!
The girls got mini pillow pets!
Presents from great grandma and grandpa!
Liv and Grandpa.
Peyt's new turtle :)
The girls and my cousins daughter Brielle. Liv loves Brielle :)
We tried to get a picture :)
Ready to head home and wait for Santa!
Liv picked out all of her cookies for Santa and that is the first thing she asked me the next morning...."Did Santa eat all of the cookies?!?" She also put out reindeer food in the yard that night.

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