

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Peyton - 10 months old!

Well the little miss is 10 months old already. It's almost time to start planning her birthday party.....where has the time gone! I can't believe it! She is such a happy and content little girl and I can't say enough how good she always is! With that said.....she is getting harder and harder to get pictures of because like her sister....she won't sit still and just looks at you like.....what? you want me to smile? It is quite the circus act in our house at picture time....doing all sorts of crazy dances, noises, shaking of loud toys to get this girl to look and smile at the same time :) We tried 2 different times to get pictures with Christmas outfits and here she is.......I think we are all tired and need a break now after these shoots!
With her favorite person in the world :) She can always get her to smile! Playing peek-a-boo when trying to take pictures instead :)
She loves these jingle bells!
I don't want to sit down....and it's so funny!
What do you want?
She loves to clap and wave now!

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