

Friday, July 6, 2012

Peyton 17 Months and Livy Lu!

Peytor Bug is 17 months old now and I just can't believe how big she is getting already! Livy is just starting to look so grown up too!  Peyton will pretty much repeat anything you say these day and she is seriously the funniest little thing too.  We just crack up at her when she sass's her big sister or sings songs and makes funny faces when you catch her singing.  She is starting to love her babies and absolutely loves the book "10 Little Monkeys."  Today when we were at the zoo and she saw the monkeys she started shaking her little finger at them trying to say "No more monkey's jumping on the bed!"  We were laughing so hard!  She is the sweetest little thing and is so incredably good but the girl has some serious sass to her......gee I wonder where she learns it :)  Livy's favorite things lately are playing house or Mommies with herself or her friends.  If you let her, she would be in the pool all day long....which we have done a lot lately with the heat!  Some of the stuff she says lately (minus the bossiness :) makes me think "Did she just say that!"  She is getting so big and I don't know where she hears half of this stuff!  Here are some new pictures of these little ladies....

 It was over 90 degrees on the fourth of July when we took these!

 So big!


 Love these little girls!

 She just adores her little sister and Peyt always wants Olivia out of her face....typical day in this house right here!

 She now says Cheeeeeeeese to the camera.....finally!

"Mommy take a picture of me in my sunglasses.....let's go! C'mon!"

1 comment:

Cassidy Chaos said...

Liv's hair is getting so long! Cute little ladies! :)